Cargill Indonesia, Purwodadi Branch Planted 1000 Mahogany Trees in Ketitang Village
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Cargill Indonesia, Purwodadi Branch joins Trees4Trees in turning Ketitang village green.
Ketitang is close to Cargill factory buildings and is a rather desolate area. It is hot and uncomfortable all day long and it almost calls for something to be done about it. The mahogany trees were chosen because of their capacity for providing some shade and cool to the area.
On March 15 2016 1000 trees were planted by the villagers and the Cargill team with foresters from Trees4Trees as supervisors. It is the first time Cargill engages in work of a social nature, and they are naturally anxious to make a positive impact. It seems they are successful: Mr. Wage , leader of Ketitang village, says : “This is useful for everybody in the village. Because the planting is not just for today, but will last many years into the future, its impact is long term.”
Mr Lataebo of the Forestry Department continues: “ It is good that Cargill is involved in this kind of activity which is not easy. Planting is not just planting. It also means taking care of the seedlings and doing maintenance of the trees.”
Spirits were high as 50 local villagers were joined staff from the military and the police from Gedong district, the Ketitang village officials and the Head of the Forestry Department in planting the 1000 trees which everybody hope will be the beginning of turning Ketitang green.