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Trees Planting of 500 Jambu Deli Madu

Same place, new trees.

PT Cargill Indonesia Branch Purwodadi once again shows their commitment in taking care environment surrounds. It started in Ketitang Village, Godong, Grobogan District, where their factory is located. Last year in 2016, 1000 Mahogany were planted alongside the main street of the village. This year, Cargill team wanted for something different with more impacts and personal.

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Focus Group Discussion with ACIAR

ACIAR continues to work with Trees4Trees to explore about community forests especially community-based commercial forestry (CBCF) related farmers business networks in forestry.
Last year, it was MTG (Master Tree Grower) evaluation where farmers joined the MTG program in 2015 were evaluated to know if they really practice technical guides and theory to get maximum value. The MTG evaluation is to refine the MTG courses in the future.

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Offset Your Carbon

Carbon has been our epic issue due to global warming. Carbon levels increased since Industrial Revolution (1800s) where natural sources, especially the combustion of fossil fuels, were used massively for human activites and the process of the industry. These caused ‘greenhouse effect’ where atmosphere traps the outgoing heat from inside and makes heat goes back. This trapped heat then makes temperatures higher and changes the climate.
Today, we still contribute in producing carbon emission by doing some habits we are accustomed with.

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Arjuna Statue

A city surrounded by another cities: Semarang, Grobogan in the north, Sragen and Solo in the east, Klaten and Yogyakarta in the south, Semarang and Magelang in the west. Being surrounded by big and modern cities, doesn’t make Boyolali lose its identity. Boyolali stays as the country district that depends on agriculture sector, strong culture and tradition, coupled with mountainous areas, vegetation and the cool air. This makes Boyolali to be one interesting place to visit for those who seeks peace, and explore the nature.

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Trees Planting in Podorejo by Cargill and Trees4Trees

It was March 2016 that Cargill Indonesia Branch Semarang donated 1000 trees of Albizia for the very first time to farmers in Semarang. Later on this year, Cargill Indonesia Branch Semarang continues to give their support for environment and social aspects: another 1000 trees of Albizia, proving a commitment to environment as priority and value as a company.


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Planting, Planting, Planting!

When rain comes starting from November, it is planting time for Trees4Trees with the farmers. All seedlings has been distributed, the lands are clean from wild grass, and farmers are ready to plant. Planting time has started in several locations of T4T’s planting area: Pati, Semarang, Magelang, Klaten, Purbalingga, Banyumas, Kebumen, Tegal and Ambarawa.

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Master Tree Grower Evaluation

ACIAR (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research) evaluated Master Tree Grower (MTG) Program, a program that gives some trainings to local farmers forestry technique skill to maximize tree growth as the result. MTG program was held in Pati, 2014 with 17 farmers joined this program.

This evaluation aims to know the influence of MTG program to local farmers in Pati. This activity was held November 2-6th 2016 by Mr. Muktasam from Mataram University as MTG evaluator, represents ACIAR.

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Sirno and Trees4Trees Team

Trees4Trees’ mascot program is to empower community forest in Indonesia. During our monitoring season, we found out that our farmers’ stories are interesting. It’s personal and honest. They told us their motivation, the good things they can do by planting and being a farmer, and why they are so happy to join Trees4Trees. Here are two stories, we collected from our farmers in Semarang and Boyolali.

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Trees4Trees seedlings

In the middle of 2016, it’s nursery time for Trees4Trees.

This nursery is set to produce 100.000 baby trees in two different locations, Pati and Purbalingga. What makes it more different is, this time Trees4Trees also cooperates with one farmer group in Purbalingga. A cooperation that also has been an education program for local community for growing high quality of seedlings.

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On Thursday, April 28th 2016, Trees4Trees got a visitation from Jenny of Tari Travel Indonesia. For information, Tari Travel is one of Trees4Trees supporters, a travel agency in Makassar, which has been T4T’s partner for more than 2 years. Jenny came to investigate the tour potential on the route from Yogyakarta to Magelang (Borobudur) and the mountains Merapi and Merbabu. At the same time she got the good idea to see the trees Tari has planted and how they can be part of future trips.

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Featured stories

Harvesting responsible wood

Trees4Trees™ has been planting trees in Central Java communities since 2007. One of the big benefits of community forestry is that in addition to added tree cover it provides an income for those communities when the trees are harvested. Some of the fast growing species planted by Trees4Trees are already coming to harvest-able maturity.

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Maintenance in the upstream river area is important to ongoing healthy water supply

Water is the essence of life and to provide a healthy living environment for local communities, the water supply must be clean and protected.

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