Watershed Improvement Programs

Posted date

2012-04-23 19:17

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Villagers being registered by T4T staff before receiving various tree species to be planted riversideWater is the essence of life and to provide a healthy living environment for local communities, the water supply must be clean and protected.A riverside area in need of much improvement targeted for planting

During a recent Environmental Impact Assessment conducted by Trees4Trees™ it was revealed that the condition of the Cilalal river, flowing through Cikondong village in South Central Java had been degraded by run-off in the local water catchment area. The local villagers rely on this water source for drinking water, washing and irrigation, and it is vital to their subsistence.

Trees4Trees™ has initiated an environment management program along the river, planting appropriate species as a natural protective barrier to contain crop residues and silt. Together with the local villagers, Trees4Trees™ has planted Vertiver grass along the river bank to naturally form an earth embankment. Vertiver hedgerows maintain soil moisture and soil surface and at the same time are suitable for cultivating along with economic crops. Behind the Vertiver grass, mixed species of Mahogany, Sengon, Teak, Suren and Bamboo have been planted to secure upland top soil and provide an eventual stream of income for the local community.Maintenance in the upstream area of the Cilalal river is important to ongoing healthy water supply

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