Trees4Trees To Produce 100.000 Seedlings In 2016
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In the middle of 2016, it’s nursery time for Trees4Trees.
This nursery is set to produce 100.000 baby trees in two different locations, Pati and Purbalingga. What makes it more different is, this time Trees4Trees also cooperates with one farmer group in Purbalingga. A cooperation that also has been an education program for local community for growing high quality of seedlings.
The seedlings produced are albizia (sengon) and teak. Pati nursery is responsible for 60.000 seedlings with 43.000 seedlings of albizia and 17.000 seedlings of teak. While Purbalingga is responsible for 40.000 with 27.000 seedlings of albizia and 13.000 seedlings of teak.
The nurseries began to start in the early June, and now (when the pictures are taken), the trees are beautifully growing. From small seeds into mature seedlings that are ready to be distributed to local community in all around Central Java. Seedlings distribution is set to be done in November 2016.