Khiri Travel: Trees To Capture Business Travel Carbon
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“Consciously or not, every business is derived from nature”.
Believe or not, nature gives us almost everything in every sector of business. Even when you’re in technology industry, you still need “natural products” like metal to make the products. More, actually you need nature in every process of your business, you need lands for buildings, furnitures, and electricity for daily use and many more.
That all activity will make carbon footprint as the result. In a certain amounts, carbon will cause changes to our earth globally, like global warming even worse the loss of plants and animals species.
We often forget how to give back to the nature to keep and maintain this planet in balance and comfortable. The simple but powerful action is planting trees. And Khiri Travel has a concern with this since their business relates directly in producing carbon. They exactly know how to keep environment greener and more sustainable.
Their care for earth, team up with Trees4Trees, is actualized by donating trees.
Khiri Travel has donated 1500 trees to be planted in Salam District, Magelang, Indonesia. The trees are donated as an action to capture carbon footprint Khiri produced in their business. Action with powerful impacts, not only for nature, but also for local people in Salam District since many villages in Salam were damaged by Merapi eruption in 2010.
To make sure this mission, Khiri went to Salam to see the land for their trees and meet the farmers who will take care of the trees. 8 crews of Khiri learned how trees are planted by the farmers, how trees not only connect to nature but also human as the responsible part. Most importantly, the trees will give positive effects by converting carbon footprint to make sure Khiri business is environment friendly.
What Khiri has done is one of great action to save the earth. Many of us know that trees are important to protect our earth, but only a few of us who realize to actualize it, to make it happen. Converting carbon footprint in our business to trees is definitely a way to protect our home, its people and the future.