Market Linkages
An important part of the Trees4Trees™ program is to ensure that the trees planted are responsibly managed and provide the maximum benefit to the grower when they are harvested.
As the plantations mature and growth rates level off, Trees4Trees™ assists tree growers with the marketing of their resource to maximize their returns. Strong market demand for the species that are being planted exists in the wood products industry. As tree growers manage the plantings to improve wood quality and yield through the techniques taught by the Trees4Trees™ team, growers gain real benefit from the harvesting and sale of their trees.
The species composition, inventory and monitoring data records from the Trees4Trees™ program planting sites are a valuable source of information that are used to assist with the marketing of timber from the community forests.
Trees4Trees™ is working with farmer groups to establish a forest certification program that will ensure that the forests are responsibly managed now and in the future. In addition, growers maximize demand and the value of their forest assets.