60.000 Trees And Counting To Bring A New Future
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On October 20th in Srumbung Village, Magelang City, Indonesia, Trees4Trees and Tree Limited from Hongkong were having a green mission: planting trees. Where hopefully, the trees will give hope both for nature and social since the beautiful village was all damaged by Merapi’s last eruption in October 2010.
Merapi Mountain is well-known as the most active mountain in the world. Merapi’s last eruption in October is believed as the bigger eruption than in 1872. Hot clouds, three explosions with earthquakes and volcano materials was thrown 1,5 km away. The amount of volcanic material spewed from the Merapi eruption estimated at about 150 million cubic meters. More than 270 people died, too late for evacuation.
It needed a while for the land, especially Magelang and Yogyakarta – as the closest cities from Merapi - to recover and get started again. It’s now 2015, most of the land are still broken. No trees. Dry river. Lack of water and arid area. For its people, it’s not easy to continue their life, do their jobs again, especially for the farmers to survive. Their trees are gone, no woods to sale. They just try to plant crops or other annual plants, like chili, tomato, spinach, and other vegetables for short-term living.
It is our responsibility to save the nature by making it green and giving value to the local people.
It’s Tree Limited Hongkong collaborating with Trees4Trees in Srumbung, one of nearest villages from Merapi Mountain. Tree Limited has been a consitent company in participating to make this earth greener and greener. This year, they have planted 60.000 trees and COUNTING. Incredible!!
All Tree Limited crews are super happy to do regreeneration program, it can be seen by seeing their smiles on their faces during the planting activity.
They are Pinky, Dennis and Ginny, the crews of Tree Limited Hongkong. Even the hot weather and hilly tracks of the land, but it can’t even make them lose their excitement. Because they know that their trees mean something, to earth and the people, especially to the farmers.
The trees donated will be planted in many lands of Srumbung Village in cooperation with local farmers to make recovery after the eruption, including water supply, soil porosity and make the area become fresh and shady. And many farmers will be able to cultivate their land again and get their job as farmers.
This surely brings hope for both the nature and its people. Nothing more beautiful to make positive prints to harmony, earth and its creatures.