Monitoring & Inventory


Monitoring of the plantings is an essential requirement for good forestry practices and to maximize the success rate of the trees planted. Trees4Trees™ conducts two levels of monitoring of the plantings; general monitoring and detailed monitoring.

Monitoring young trees

General monitoring involves interviews with the farmer and field checks of the trees to determine their condition. We also use this opportunity to refresh the training of the grower on proper care of the young trees.  This type of monitoring is implemented for all trees in all land categories. 

Detailed monitoring is based on the measurement of the trees in a  “Permanent Sample Plot” (PSP). The PSPs are designed with a 2.5% sampling intensity. This result is applied to the entire tree population of similar plot characteristics to establish the total volume and annual growth of wood in the Trees4Trees™ program. Ongoing monitoring of the plantation species composition, wood volume and growth rate are critical to allow the Trees4Trees™ team to establish sustainable annual cutting rates for the forest estate and for the planning of harvest operations and the marketing of the resource for timber sale. At present there are approximately 110 PSPs in operation.Teaching Inventory Collection




The Trees4Trees™ planting process includes labeling the trees as a basis for identification and developing a database of standing stock. The location and inventory of all trees within the community forest are recorded in the Trees4Trees™ planting database.

The planting inventory, subsequent monitoring system and records, provide Trees4Trees™ with a comprehensive record of the tree plantings initiated by the program. This data set is a valuable record that will be used to inform decision making for tree planting planning and species selection within with the program.

Inventory data is collected at planting, 3 and 12 months after planting and then at biannual monitoring intervals.

We also make an inventory of the existing standing stock (by species) on participating farmers’ land for tree diameters 20 cm-up. The recording of this information assists the Trees4Trees™ team to develop a picture of the diameter classes within the entire plantation estate. This information is also a valuable resource to assist tree growers with the future marketing of their timber crop.




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