Trees Planting in Podorejo by Cargill and Trees4Trees

It was March 2016 that Cargill Indonesia Branch Semarang donated 1000 trees of Albizia for the very first time to farmers in Semarang. Later on this year, Cargill Indonesia Branch Semarang continues to give their support for environment and social aspects: another 1000 trees of Albizia, proving a commitment to environment as priority and value as a company.


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Sirno and Trees4Trees Team

Trees4Trees’ mascot program is to empower community forest in Indonesia. During our monitoring season, we found out that our farmers’ stories are interesting. It’s personal and honest. They told us their motivation, the good things they can do by planting and being a farmer, and why they are so happy to join Trees4Trees. Here are two stories, we collected from our farmers in Semarang and Boyolali.

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Cargill Semarang Trees Planting

On March 16 2016 Cargill, Semarang Branch as the second planting project of Cargill, planted 1000 Albazia trees. This is part of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility efforts which means that the company should care not only for the environment but for the local community as well.
Albazia trees were chosen because they are relatively easy to grow, fast growing, and have economical value at the time of harvest. Albazia is also good for capturing water.

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