Education is the key to long term improvement of living conditions in rural communities and protection of the environment.

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Trees4Trees Primary Education Program

Trees4Trees' purpose is to plant trees to achieve our goals at the lowest possible cost but using the best methods to assure maximum stakeholder value from our efforts.

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Tree seedling ready to be planted

Our goal is to help the environment by helping the people who live in it and community forestry is how we do it.

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Farmer with his new Teak tree
Trees4Trees™ empowers local communities through partnership reforestation initiatives and related education programs. By increasing the area of community planted and owned forests, livelihood assets are created, the negative effects of deforestation are reduced and the environment is renewed.
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The Trees4Trees™ program is all about improving the environment and helping local communities. These are some measurable impacts we are having in the areas we work.

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Social Impacts  Environmental  Accomplishment 
Families helped
662,073 tonnes
CO2  captured
Trees planted
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