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Well, why not?!?
Pak (Mr.) Cipto is an ordinary farmer who grows cassava and maize on his land and earns an ordinary income of about USD40 per month from these activities.“I decided to take Trees 4 Trees’ offer of free teak seedlings in 2008, well, why not? I had space to spare between my other crops and trees do not need much maintenance” says Pak Cipto
Pak Cipto Planted 398 trees and his land appears to be well suited for teak. His seedlings are doing extremely well. In about 30 years he will be able to harvest his trees and put USD 60.000 in the bank. And this is on top of his routine income from cassava. “I may not be the one harvesting the trees, but surely my children will benefit from what I decided two years ago”

Comparison of two teak model plantations, on the left is a 4 year old teak plantation typically planted by local communities, on the right is a 2 year old teak plantation under Trees-4-Trees program. Better quality seedlings and better management practices makes the difference.
Show Me The Money!!!
Pak Sadimin's land is close to Pak Cipto's land."I saw how well Pak Cipto's teak seedlings were doing and did a little calculation. Then I decided to become an "investor" in trees ", says pak Sadimin.
So in 2009 he followed Pak Cipto's example and planted 500 trees among his maize crops. His trees are also doing very well and with the right spacing between the trees he can continue to grow various crops while the trees mature.
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