Trees4Trees™ has a new website!!

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2013-03-21 20:12

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T4T New Home Page

Trees4Trees™ has a new public face. The new website has been under construction for several months with many new features and has gone live in mid-February.  Here are some of the highlights:

Along with a new lighter, cleaner look, the site emphasizes T4T's work in the field and the benefits with more images and information our activities. The hang tag check feature has been streamlined and more live data about plantings and environmental and social impact is posted brought right to the home page.

The site has a new Blog to tell stories about Trees4Trees' activities and experiences in community forestry. The blog is open to outside contributors and also with links to popular social media sites. This is now the news center of the Trees4Trees™.

Trees4Trees™ tagged products are being sold in many different countries and to support this, the new website will be going multi-lingual. This feature will implemented in stages as our volunteer translators are able to provide the language text.

To enhance the way consumers find Trees4Trees tagged products, the site features a 'Find Products' function that allows them to search for retailers carrying Trees4Trees™ tagged products and display a map of the location and contact information for the retailer.

The website is one of the most important communication channels Trees4Trees™ has with stakeholders at all levels and we expect the new site to be more consumer friendly and have more accessible information about the program and its participants.   

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