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Workshop on Social Dimension Analysis
Trees4Trees attended workshop on Social Dimension Analysis that was organized by CIFOR in Mataram on 11 to 12 June 2012. The workshop was part of activities of ACIAR Project (Australian Center for International Agricultural Research) in collaboration with CIFOR, Trees4Trees, FORDA Bogor and Makasar, Faculty of Forestry of UGM and WWF.
Workshop on Social Dimension Analysis was organized to compare result of research on custom and habit of community, decision making structure within family and community, sources of community livelihood, primary job from forestry sector and value chain of wood selling in the community in some locations.
Each organization presented its research result from their region. The locations were Gunung kidul by UGM and CIFOR, Pati by FORDA Bogor and Trees4Trees, Konawe by CIFOR and FORDA Makasar while Bulukumba by FORDA Makasar and finally Sumbawa by WWF.
Social Dimension Analysis Workshop, 11 – 12 June 2012 in Mataram. Mrs. Elske van Der Fliert in black, communication lecturer of Queensland University was the Project Leader of Study Task 1.
Participant Visit to Plantation
Galeria Indonesia, a new Trees4Trees participant visited Trees4Trees planting plot in Magelang, together with one of its French retailers. The plot visited was in Tersangede village, subdistrict of Salam, Magelang. The objective of the visit was to see trees planted by Trees4Trees in the area and discuss with the tree recipient.
Mark Dinghin, Galeria Indonesia’s retailer from France was taking photograph of a tree.
Mr. Sukirejo with traditional Javanese cap was one of tree recipient from Trees4Trees in Magelang.
Various objectives become background for participant joining Trees4Trees. This matter is also experienced by ViaVia Jogjakarta which had joined the program on June 2012. Its concern to environment has led the Jogjakarta based tour & travel agent to develop program namely Trees4Tours. Through the program, they invite tour participants to donate tree in every trip. The program that was launched by the end of June 2012 was aimed not only improving environmental awareness among tour participants but also reducing carbon, one of elements that accelerate global warming.
Sri Mujiati, Manager of ViaVia with Trees4Tours logo.
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