Trees4Trees Participation in IFFINA Fair

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2011-03-01 01:00

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Trees4Trees Participation in IFFINA Fair
During the IFFINA fair, Trees4Trees presented various information on programs delivered, introducing retailer, supplier and distributor about the benefit of becoming member of Trees4Trees. Public also aware of importance of replacing trees which exploited for furniture products.
As result of the participation, some foreign buyers and retailers contacted Trees4Trees and expressed their interest to become member of Trees4Trees.
Trees4Trees booth at IFFINA Fair 2011  A visitor from Marks & Spencer interacted with a member of of Trees4Trees team
Indonesian supplier visited Trees4Trees' booth.  Foreign and local visitors interesting in Trees4Trees program and activity.
Socialization of 2011 Planting Plan
Socialization of 2011 Planting Plan was performed to farmers in new Target Area, Gunungwungkal, Pati District. Planning Manager, Mr, Munhaji led the socialization. The socialization material were planting, maintenance and harvesting.

Situation during socialization at Giling Village, Target Area of Gunungwungkal, facilitated by Mr. Andik Aristiawan (right), Field Coordinator of Gunungwungkal.
Socialization at Village of Gulangpongge, Gunungwungkal Target Area. It made use house of a farmer as meeting location.
Program socialization at Jrahi Village, Gunungwungkal Target Area. In the picture, Mr. Munhaji (right) was explaining Trees4Trees program in the area.

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