November 2011 - Research on Supply and Demand and Seedling Monitoring

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2011-11-30 01:00

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Sengon in Wonosobo ready for further process
a sawmill where Mr. Kamil and Ms. Novita interviewed a respondent
Another side of sawmill in Wonosobo where sample of the research gathered
3 months old of Teak in nursery developed by SMKN 1 Kalibagor, Banyumas
 Line up of Mahogany planted 3 months ago
seedlings in nursery developed by Berkah Lestari Farmer Group
 Mahogany in nursery developed by farmer group in Purbalingga
 view of nursery developed by SMKN 1 Trucuk, Klaten, Central Java
Arrangement of Sengon seedlings is placed in open access for further treatment
Trees4Trees Social Staff, Mr. Kamil interviewing a housing developer

Two activities were completed in November 2011: Research on Supply and Demand of National Timber and Seedling Monitoring for 2011 Planting Period

1. Research on Supply and Demand of National Timber

November 2011, Trees4Trees cooperated with Forestry Research and Development Agency of Ministry of Forestry of Republic of Indonesia to conduct Research on Supply and Demand of National Timber

Objective of the research:

Obtaining data on timber produced by community in Java;

Obtaining data on requirement of timber from 3 major cities and 9 others in Java for housing;

Performing analysis on government policies that influence condition of timber supply and demand.

The activity focused on fulfillment and requirement pattern of timber in Java. Sample was taken from Bandung, Semarang and Surabaya. While 9 other cities were Purwakarta, Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Banyumas, Cilacap, Wonosobo, Lumajang, jember and Banyuwangi.


Trees4Trees Social Staff, Mr. Kamil (right) was interviewing a housing developer in Kalibagor, Banyumas on November 24th, 2011. 

Picture taken on November 29th, 2011 showed Sengon in Wonosobo was ready for further process.
A spot of data gathering, a sawmill where Mr. Kamil and Ms. Novita interviewed a respondent on Monday, November 28th, 2011.  Another side of sawmill in Wonosobo where sample of the research gathered.

2. Seedling Monitoring for 2011 Planting Period

The monitoring was performed by checking the condition and quantity of seedlings. The objective was to identify the development of seedlings in the nursery and calculating the total number of seedling. 3 nurseries where seedlings developed were monitored:

SMKN 1 Kalibagor, Banyumas;
SMKN 1 Trucuk, Klaten;
Berkah Lestari Farmer Group, Bojongsari, Purbalingga

3 months old of Teak in nursery developed by SMKN 1 Kalibagor, Banyumas.  Line up of Mahogany planted 3 months ago. They were placed widely for maximum growth.
Condition of seedlings in nursery developed by Berkah Lestari Farmer Group, Village of Bojongsari, Purbalingga  Mahogany in nursery developed by farmer group in Purbalingga. Mahogany is planted with wide spacing.
A view of nursery developed by SMKN 1 Trucuk, Klaten, Central Java.  Arrangement of Sengon seedlings is placed in open access for further treatment.

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