June 2013 - Preparation for the 2013 Planting Period

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2013-06-05 18:11

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Newly established nursery of Albizia seedlings in FMU of Pati

To maintain the sustainability of trees in community forests, after timber harvesting in the district of Gunung Wungkal, replanting will be done with the same species of trees that have been harvested.

Approximately 84,000 seedlings will be distributed to members of the local Farmer Group and others in the district. Some seedlings will replace the trees that have been harvested during the season, others will be planted in new community forests. Trees4Trees, together with the Gunung Wungkal Farmer Group have established a nursery to produce the seedling for the 2013 planting season. Seedlings produced in this way are typically healthier than those purchased in the commercial market and also, having the nursery run locally provides additional employment in the local community.

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