MoU signings were held at Giling Village and Jrahi Village, Management Unit Pati. It was aimed to strengthen commitment of both parties, Trees4Trees and farmer group.

Planning Manager of Trees4Trees, Mr. Munhaji and farmer group leader of Giling Village signed the MoU with farmer group also signed by Head of Village and Area Manager. On the other occasion, MoU signing was held at Jrahi Village. This was performed at village hall of Jrahi.

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Trees4Trees Participation in IFFINA Fair
During the IFFINA fair, Trees4Trees presented various information on programs delivered, introducing retailer, supplier and distributor about the benefit of becoming member of Trees4Trees. Public also aware of importance of replacing trees which exploited for furniture products.
As result of the participation, some foreign buyers and retailers contacted Trees4Trees and expressed their interest to become member of Trees4Trees.

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Production trial in Pati Management Unit was a part of community forestry development. Detail of the production activity: tree inventory classified into production, diameter measurement, age of tree, cutting, loading and transportation.

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One of retailer, Barker and Stonehouse visited planting area on November 2010. Mr. James and other member of his team held field visit with Trees4Trees.
Mr. James (third from left) of Barker and Stonehouse was matching map with location visited. He was guided with Mr. Munhaji (second from left) and accompanied by Mr. Mark (first from right) and Mr. Daniel of Bumi Hijau Lestari Foundation.  Barker delegation was examining the height of a tree and its age.

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During this month, Trees4Trees arranged survey to locations which were possible to develop as eco-tourism in Pati District. Some of the visited locations were valley, creek and path. The activity was delivered as recommended by PUM, a non profit organization based in The Netherland.
Creek with clear water stream as performed in the picture is a valuable asset for establishing eco-tourism.   Supporting infrastructure such as road block also becomes determined factor for eco-tourism.

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Barker Bedford, a member of Trees4Trees visited Central Java on September 2010. They could see processes facilitated by Trees4Trees directly and collect information on the involvement of local farmer group in the program

Mr. Ian Pike, a member of Barker Bedford delegation was observing and measuring the height of a tree Two members of farmer group accompanied the field visit. They provided information to the delegation on programs in their area.

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Data collection and mapping is aimed at identifying area which has been planted, not yet planted, look for possible area for expanded planting, land typology, including social and legal factors surrounding.

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The objective of the socialization is to provide information to farmer group, community (also sponsor and other stakeholders) on issues related to planting plan. The issues are planting schedule, planting area, distribution of seeds and the quantity etc. A total of 25,000 of seedlings are planned to distribute to Management Unit:


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Plant monitoring is performed in areas where Trees4Trees program is working. It is aimed at identifying the progress of the plants.

A sixteen years old of Mango at Duren Village, Semarang District. Label on the plant is purposed for identification by Trees4Trees or member who has contributed for replanting as replacement of trees taken for industrial purpose. Mr. Kusdianto, a Field Coordinator of Jepara Management Unit is photographed with sixteen months old Teak in Jepara District.

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Environmental  Impact  Assessment/EIA
An Environmental impact Assessment (EIA) is an assessment of the possible impact—positive or negative—on the environment when a new activity/program is introduced in an area. The assessment  considers natural, social and economic aspects.
The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that possible environmental impacts are considered before deciding to go ahead with the program or designs the program to avoid possible negative impact.

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