Cooperation agreements with agricultural schools in Purbalingga, Banyumas, Cilacap, Tegal and Brebes.

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Our management system now covers a significant part of Central Java.
The monitoring system is tested on the first plantings by the Bawen Management Unit. Results show that 81% of the seedling from 2007 survived. A yellow label mark plot of land. Each plot of land has a number of trees each with red label.
Trees-4-Trees? started cooperating with the Geographic of Institute Faculty of Social Sciences, state University Semarang (UNNES) in a project called Mapping Community Forests in Java A yellow label mark plot of land.

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Cooperation agreements made with agricultural schools in Jepara, Pati, Boyolali, Magelang and Temanggung. 5500 mango trees are distributed and planted.
Training program held at Tumpangkrasek elementary school in Kudus. The children planted 130 trees.

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Cooperation agreements made with agricultural school in Bawen, Sragen, Klaten. 10,600 mango seedlings are inspected. A few are planted on school land, but the great majority is distributed to villagers and planted.

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