After passing the FSC-CW Risk Assessment, Trees4Trees together with farmer group of Gunung Wungkal Forest Management Unit undertook production preparation.
ABP, T4T and a local Farmer Group pass FSC Controlled Wood Risk Assessment.
This is a very important milestone for all the parties because it ensures that the Farmer Group will receive a premium price for their timber and part of that premium will be allocated for preservation of high value natural forests in the area as well as watersheds and culturally important local sites.
As part of a larger ongoing ACIAR study, “Study Task 2” was undertaken to identify value framework of community forestry results as a livelihood for rural people. A survey was conducted in Pati district to assess the local family economies in the study area.
Trees4Trees™ distributed 184,972 tree seedlings in January 2013. The species consist of Sengon, Teak, Suren and Mahogany. The seedling were distributed to eight districts in Central Java; Kebumen, Purbalingga, Cilacap, Magelang, Klaten, Tegal and Pati.
2012 Planting Plan
In 2012, Trees4Trees plans to plant trees as much as 185,000 plc in 8 districts. The districts are Cilacap, Kebumen, Purbalingga, Pati, Jepara, Magelang, Tegal and Klaten. Various preparations are implemented such as socialization, data collection of plots and data collection of farmers who participate in the planting program.
Socialization for the purpose of informing community about Trees4Trees program.
Workshop on Social Dimension Analysis
Trees4Trees attended workshop on Social Dimension Analysis that was organized by CIFOR in Mataram on 11 to 12 June 2012. The workshop was part of activities of ACIAR Project (Australian Center for International Agricultural Research) in collaboration with CIFOR, Trees4Trees, FORDA Bogor and Makasar, Faculty of Forestry of UGM and WWF.
Trees4Trees™ had conducted annual meeting with Field Coordinators who will assist and supervise 2012 planting program in 9 Management Units which consists of Cilacap, Banyumas, Purbalingga, Kebumen, Jepara, Pati, Magelang, Klaten, Tegal. The objective of the annual meeting performed by Trees4Trees™ was to evaluate planting program carried out in the previous year. Another objective was discussing 2012 planting program that will plant approximately 185,000 plants.
Riparian Planting Activity
Riparian planting activity is one of programs which is developed by Trees4Trees with the main goal is to improve the quality of river stream area to support the function of the river, we can find such activities along Cilalal riverside, Kedung Wadas and Citembong villages, Cilacap Districts. One of species that protects surface from erosion is vetiver, about 5.000 plc of vetiver have been planted along 1,5 km.
Seed Distribution to the Communities
158,033 seeds distributed to 9 Management Units: Tegal, Cilacap, Kebumen, Magelang, Pati, Jepara, Purbalingga, Banyumas and Klaten
The seeds consist of: Teak (64,717 plc; 41%), Sengon (40,292 plc; 25%), Mahogany (37,647 plc; 24%), Suren (14,578 plc; 9%) and Mango (799 plc; 1%)
Selection and packing of Sengon at Berkah Lestari farmer group nursery Loading of seeds from the nursery onto the truck then transported to the destination
Social Research in Pati
Planting of Seedlings ex 2011
Coordination on distribution of seedlings in Management Units which are going to conduct planting (Magelang, Banyumas, Purbalingga and Cilacap)
Supervision of Nursery in order to make sure whether the seedlings are ready to distribute
For 2011 planting period, seedlings distributed come from nurseries developed by SMK Trucuk-Klaten, SMK Kalibagor-Banyumas and Berkah Lestari farmer group, Purbalingga.
Students of SMK Trucuk, Klaten are measuring the height of the trees, as part of selection of seedlings distributed